So alright.
I'm usually a goofy, random, overly-proud-mom-of-a-blogger.
I blog about my job as a nurse, my super hot husband, my sassy little baby girl, and my random musings. Starting a blog about health--and all that it entails physically, spiritually, and emotionally--is a little bit different for me. Though being a registered nurse and wife of a soon-to-be Chiropractor brings many discussions about health to our household, it isn't my family's involvement with healthcare as a profession that has urged me to start this blog.
You see, I haven't felt very well for the past few years. It is incredibly frustrating since I've always been a healthy, active person with a healthy diet and lifestyle. I have seen 7 different doctors in different specialties over the last few years and none of them have been able to come up with a solid diagnosis or help me to feel like my old self.
I have had it! So in the past four months, I have decided to take responsibility for my own health by doing all the research and studying necessary to help me become a better, healthier, happier me. I am determined! I am reading all kinds of books. I am meditating. I am modifying what I eat. My husband is attending seminars on health, nutrition, functional medicine, and natural supplements on a near-weekly basis and sharing with me all that he learns from other experts and physicians. And boy, is this a process! But a process that is teaching me a lot.
I find that I'm having to filter through a lot of bogus ideas, theories, and practices to find the ones that are effective, safe, and hold sound evidence to back them up. I can understand why so many people are turned off to finding alternative ways of seeking health care because there is so much "muck" to wade through before you get to the pearls of wisdom and knowledge.
Well, I'm still wading through some muck on my journey to find better health, so I don't have all the answers...yet. But I'd love to share with others what I learn and discover along the way in hopes that not everyone looking to be healthier will have to go through such an arduous process. And I'd love to hear what others have to say and offer as well. This is, after all, a journey. Please feel free to contact me, leave comments, and share your insights. So, here we go....
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