Ever heard of this book before? I'm in the middle of reading it and I believe that some of the things I'm reading in this book may be the most important things I can learn to help me be the healthiest, most whole me that I can be.
The book begins by reviewing studies that have been done which have recorded the physiologic changes that occur within the body when introduced to negative or positive thoughts and feelings.
According to this book, our feelings have a powerful effect on our bodies and subsequently, our health. By recognizing and resolving negative feelings that we keep buried inside of us, we will regain and maintain emotional, mental, spiritual, and even physical health.
I feel the need to throw out a disclaimer....Remember my little post about the BS filter? Welllll....I'm finding that I have to use it on this book a lot. The author goes as far as saying that every disease (chronic or acute) and pain is a result of negative feelings that have been "buried" or shoved aside and not "dealt with". Well, while I definitely can see how surrounding ourselves by negative energy through negative feelings can effect our health, I am not on board with the idea that all disease is a result of negative feelings. I just don't buy that total, all-or-nothing philosophy. In my opinion, everyone is different. Everyone's body works differently and responds differently to its environment, habits, and diet. What may be a healthy practice for someone, may not necessarily be the best health practice for another. That's just my own thought and belief.....
I think this author is a lovely lady with amazing insights to help us get rid of buried feelings in order restore physical and mental health; however, she's just a little extreme for me. There have been several times when I have thrown this book down and told Garrett, "I just can't read this anymore! Some of this is just plain not true!" I mean, there are more than just negative feelings that factor into the functioning of the body and the strength of the immune system! But then I reminded myself to put up the BS Filter and absorb the truth that this book contains, because it does contain a lot and there is a lot I can learn from it.
I am stopping more during the day and becoming aware of my thoughts and the feelings that they produce. When I dig up negative feelings (and I am surprised at how many of them I have!), I look for the root of them, and pray every night for the help and strength to get rid of them. I'm not expecting that getting rid of these negative feelings will solve every physical malady. I believe that illness and pain serves a purpose to help us learn, grow closer to our Maker, and to offer others the chance to serve us; so I believe that even a person with the most pure heart can be subject to physical pain and suffering for those very reasons. However, I find that I am becoming more whole by ridding myself of unnecessary baggage (these feelings); and since the word "health" is derived from an Old English word that means "to be whole", then I guess in mind, spirit, and even body I will become a healthier person if I continue this practice. Freeing my soul of the negativity that it harbors can only improve my mental, emotional, spiritual, and yes, even physical well-being.
Some of you may love every word of this book. Others may be like me and think that some of this stuff is waaaaaay too far out there! If you're thinking like me when you read this book, then I encourage you to not follow my example of throwing it and instead, simply allow yourself to say, "Um, okay. A little weird." and continue reading. There are some great things in this book; it is a pain to have to pick through some of the, um, oddness, but I think it's well worth it.
The world of psychology and psychiatry is... interesting, to say the least. Many many times in class, I think to myself "seriously? someone really believes this?", but I think you're on the right track. Another trick to getting rid of negative emotions that might come in handy is admitting that you have them. Sounds silly, but a lot of people feel guilty for feeling angry and don't respond to it in a truthful way. Best advice I ever got was, if you're mad, be mad. If you're sad, be sad. Don't hang onto it, but don't deny it. It's helped me a lot.