Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posting....

I have about 2 dozen posts that I'm just itching to write.  I've been learning a lot, have so much to share, so many questions to just throw out there into cyberspace to see if anyone has some answers.....

....but I can't seem to find time to write because on top of working as a nurse and being a mommy and wife, I'm trying to become healthier and it is taking a lot of my time lately!  While I am a firm believer in natural healing techniques and approaches, I highly value all the wonderful things that modern medicine provides and frankly, sometimes you just gotta go to the doctor!  So last week I decided it was time to see the Gastroenterologis (this makes it doctor #9!).  Luckily, I got right in and saw a wonderful doctor who scheduled me for an endoscopy the next day.  I got some lovely IV meds to make me go to Lala Land, the kind doctor put a camera down into my stomach and small intestine, and took some biopsies.  Well, I'm happy to report that I have a healthy stomach, but I unfortunately have a not-so-healthy small intestine (duodenitis, to be exact!).  So now I get to do more testing to see if I have "Celiac Spru" which is fancy for "allergic to gluten" and synonymous to "just shoot me now".  You see, I make 100% whole wheat bread nearly every week and I LOVE to bake.  I don't know how I would feel about living in a world where my body hurts because it doesn't like gluten, especially when my taste buds love it so much! 

Okay, so that's my really long excuse for not being a more frequent/interesting blogger.
I have experimented some with gluten-free recipes, does anyone have any particularly tasty ones to share in the event that my lab tests come back with the stamp of "Celiac Spru"?  I'd be so grateful!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear your stomach is alright. Yay! But, sad to hear you are dealing with another problem. Boo!

    I saw a friend at Church Sunday whom I had not seen in a while. He has lost a lot of weight. I asked about that- he was just diagnosed with Celiac Spru and cannot eat any gluten.

    When I see him next, I will ask him, and his wife, about potential recipes for you.

    While I am sorry that you might have to give up whole wheat bread that you dearly LOVE, I would be so happy for you that you now know the cause of your pain, and that you could have a potential life free from the pain! I would go do a cartwheel for you (except that I never learned how!)!!

    Happy night. :)
